histogram width divide by mode, not total #2

christofsteel merged 47 commits from honigle into main 2022-02-02 13:59:36 +01:00
Showing only changes of commit 76ebdfe71a - Show all commits

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@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
export const GAME_TITLE = 'GAME' export const GAME_TITLE = 'Honigle'
export const WIN_MESSAGES = ['Great Job!', 'Awesome', 'Well done!'] export const WIN_MESSAGES = ['Uhuhuh Richtig!', 'Hmmmm, ich mag Honig', 'Nomnomnomnom!']
export const GAME_COPIED_MESSAGE = 'Game copied to clipboard' export const GAME_COPIED_MESSAGE = 'In die Zwischenablage kopiert'
export const ABOUT_GAME_MESSAGE = 'About this game' export const ABOUT_GAME_MESSAGE = 'Über dieses Spiel'
export const NOT_ENOUGH_LETTERS_MESSAGE = 'Not enough letters' export const NOT_ENOUGH_LETTERS_MESSAGE = 'Nicht genug Buchstaben'
export const WORD_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = 'Word not found' export const WORD_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = 'Wort nicht erkannt'
export const CORRECT_WORD_MESSAGE = (solution: string) => export const CORRECT_WORD_MESSAGE = (solution: string) =>
`The word was ${solution}` `Oh Nein! Das Wort war ${solution}`
export const ENTER_TEXT = 'Enter' export const ENTER_TEXT = 'Enter'
export const DELETE_TEXT = 'Delete' export const DELETE_TEXT = 'Delete'
export const STATISTICS_TITLE = 'Statistics' export const STATISTICS_TITLE = 'Statistiken'
export const GUESS_DISTRIBUTION_TEXT = 'Guess Distribution' export const GUESS_DISTRIBUTION_TEXT = 'Rateverteilung'
export const NEW_WORD_TEXT = 'New word in' export const NEW_WORD_TEXT = 'Nächstes Wort in'
export const SHARE_TEXT = 'Share' export const SHARE_TEXT = 'Teilen'
export const TOTAL_TRIES_TEXT = 'Total tries' export const TOTAL_TRIES_TEXT = 'Anzahl Versuche'
export const SUCCESS_RATE_TEXT = 'Success rate' export const SUCCESS_RATE_TEXT = 'Erfolgsquote'
export const CURRENT_STREAK_TEXT = 'Current streak' export const CURRENT_STREAK_TEXT = 'Siegserie'
export const BEST_STREAK_TEXT = 'Best streak' export const BEST_STREAK_TEXT = 'Beste Siegserie'