<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component type="desktop-application">

  <summary>Easily host karaoke events</summary>

  <developer id="rocks.syng">
    <name>Christoph Stahl</name>

  <content_rating type="oars-1.1" />

  <url type="homepage">https://syng.rocks</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/christofsteel/syng/issues</url>
  <url type="vcs-browser">https://github.com/christofsteel/syng</url>

    <screenshot type="default">
      <caption>Syng configuration window</caption>
      <caption>Syng web interface</caption>

    <release version="2.0.1" date="2024-09-30">
          <li>Fixes s3 storage not working</li>
          <li>Notifications are forwarded to the user interface</li>
    <release version="2.0.0" date="2024-09-22">
          Initial release of version 2.

      Syng is an easy-to-use karaoke software. Just start the client and let users connect via their web browser. 
      You can set up your own <em>Syng server</em> or simply use a publicly available one.
        Songs can be played from <em>YouTube</em>, an <em>S3</em> Storage or <em>your local machine</em>.
      You can play a variety of file formats, such as <code>mp3+cdg</code>, <code>webm</code>, <code>mp4</code>, ...



    <color type="primary" scheme_preference="dark">#008000</color>
    <color type="primary" scheme_preference="light">#67bf37</color>

  <launchable type="desktop-id">rocks.syng.Syng.desktop</launchable>